Wednesday, April 16, 2008

Monday, April 14, 2008

Siti Nurhaliza & IVF

Siti still trying for a baby after two years.

This is one major story. And I thought she already has several children... Now I wonder whose fault is it.

Saturday, April 12, 2008

Ex-MB's Prayer

Former S'gor MB who has relinguished his position as S'gor Umno liaison chief after failing to return power in the March general election, is now praying in Makkah for PM Pak Lah to hand over to DPM Najib as soon as possible.

Friday, April 11, 2008

Bernama Unusual Spin

Check this out
Bernama says: "Abdullah Akui Beliau Antara Penyebab BN Kehilangan Undi". (Abdullah Admits He Was Among Causes BN Lost Votes)

But then, look at third paragraph: "Saya merasakan saya adalah penyebab kepada `pembuangan undi' (undi tidak diberikan) kepada Barisan Nasional.

The phrase in parenthesis undi tidak diberikan was added by Bernama editor to support the title. Without it, what Adullah really said: "I feel I was the cause of votes cast for Barisan Nasional".

There is another
Look at third paragraph. Abdullah mengulas desas-desus bahawa Badan Perhubungan Umno Pulau Pinang dan Kedah mendesak beliau melepaskan jawatannya... Well, he is Penang Umno Liaison chairman. Is he demanding his own resignation?

Monday, April 7, 2008

Umno Saboteurs?

Apparently, he refuses to admit it. He blames it on saboteurs. Of all the people... saboteurs? Really?

Touched successor says Umno has idea who did it.

Well, it wouldn't have happened if the leadership did not pick division nobody to stand in the election. So, who's sabotaging who?

Pah Lah's successor

Finally, Pak Lah names Najib as his successfor.
But Bernama put it in second last paragraph. It wonder why. NST has it, by the way.

And Pak Lah surely will hand over Umno to Najib in December party polls. Muhyiddin will then take Najib's place as deputy president. No way Ku Li is able to garner enough support.

A keen fight is expected for the three VP seats.

Saturday, April 5, 2008

Jeanne's cut & morning sickness

Setelah banyak spekulasi pasal hubungan Mr and Mrs PM Abdullah, si isteri muncul bersama si suami di Kompleks Kraf Jalan Conlay.

This is what they have to say:

Jeanne : "I had a cut on my heel and it had turned bad, so I had to undergo a minor surgery,"

Abdullah: "Aaa...they said you ran away from me, show them. Now, don't you suggest that she cuts herself. So, the rumours that she is having morning sickness is over now."

Full story.

MP's worth

This is how much an MP gets according to Tok Mommy

Salary: RM6,508 (tax-free)

Other perks:
RM1,200 monthly driver's fee
RM5,000 computer allowance per term
RM1,500 handphone allowance every three years
RM900 monthly phone bill allowance
RM300 daily meeting allowance (RM100 for food and other expenses)
RM 1,500 monthly entertainment allowance