Friday, April 11, 2008

Bernama Unusual Spin

Check this out
Bernama says: "Abdullah Akui Beliau Antara Penyebab BN Kehilangan Undi". (Abdullah Admits He Was Among Causes BN Lost Votes)

But then, look at third paragraph: "Saya merasakan saya adalah penyebab kepada `pembuangan undi' (undi tidak diberikan) kepada Barisan Nasional.

The phrase in parenthesis undi tidak diberikan was added by Bernama editor to support the title. Without it, what Adullah really said: "I feel I was the cause of votes cast for Barisan Nasional".

There is another
Look at third paragraph. Abdullah mengulas desas-desus bahawa Badan Perhubungan Umno Pulau Pinang dan Kedah mendesak beliau melepaskan jawatannya... Well, he is Penang Umno Liaison chairman. Is he demanding his own resignation?

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